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Associate-Cloud-Engineer - Google Cloud Certified - Associate Cloud Engineer

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Associate-Cloud-Engineer Testimonials

by Lydia on 08-Feb-2023

With myexamcollection, I felt confident and prepared when taking the Associate-Cloud-Engineer exam. I was able to pass with flying colors thanks to their excellent resources!

by Kelly on 12-Jan-2023

The study guide, detailed questions and answers, practice tests, and dumps at all worked together to ensure that I was well-prepared for the Google Associate-Cloud-Engineer exam. I highly recommend this method of studying for anyone looking to pass the exam. It's a comprehensive and efficient way to learn the material and increase your chances of passing.


by Mackay on 06-Nov-2022

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Associate-Cloud-Engineer Questions and Answers

Question # 1

You are configuring Cloud DNS. You want !to create DNS records to point, and to the IP address of your Google Cloud load balancer. What should you do?


Create one CNAME record to point to the load balancer, and create two A records to point WWW and HOME lo respectively.


Create one CNAME record to point to the load balancer, and create two AAAA records to point WWW and HOME to respectively.


Create one A record to point to the load balancer, and create two CNAME records to point WWW and HOME to respectively.


Create one A record to point lo the load balancer, and create two NS records to point WWW and HOME to respectively.

Question # 2

You are using Google Kubernetes Engine with autoscaling enabled to host a new application. You want to expose this new application to the public, using HTTPS on a public IP address. What should you do?


Create a Kubernetes Service of type NodePort for your application, and a Kubernetes Ingress to expose this Service via a Cloud Load Balancer.


Create a Kubernetes Service of type ClusterIP for your application. Configure the public DNS name of your application using the IP of this Service.


Create a Kubernetes Service of type NodePort to expose the application on port 443 of each node of the Kubernetes cluster. Configure the public DNS name of your application with the IP of every node of the cluster to achieve load-balancing.


Create a HAProxy pod in the cluster to load-balance the traffic to all the pods of the application. Forward the public traffic to HAProxy with an iptable rule. Configure the DNS name of your application using the public IP of the node HAProxy is running on.

Question # 3

Your development team needs a new Jenkins server for their project. You need to deploy the server using the fewest steps possible. What should you do?


Download and deploy the Jenkins Java WAR to App Engine Standard.


Create a new Compute Engine instance and install Jenkins through the command line interface.


Create a Kubernetes cluster on Compute Engine and create a deployment with the Jenkins Docker image.


Use GCP Marketplace to launch the Jenkins solution.

Google Related Exam in MyExamCollection

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